Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Quick Trip

Nope I'm not talking about everyone's most favorite restaurant QT, I'm talking about my journey across the pond to Shannon, Ireland. The flight from NYC to Ireland was only 5.5 hours! I was expecting 8 or 9. I took a little advil pm and was OUT like a light. I don't remember the trip at all, just waking up 5.25 hours later. Really though, I woke up with only 15 minutes until landing. Poor Cydnee had me sleeping on her shoulder the whole trip. Luckily she was out for most of it anyways too! There was apparently a meal served at some point but I am not sure when. So all in all the flight was a success. I made it alive and got some sleep. I am still in the airport waiting for the rest of our group but from what I have seen (from the air) Ireland is BEAUTIFUL. I can't wait to actually explore this beautiful country! WOO WOO! I will post pictures once I have some. Shout out to dad for letting me take his IPad!

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