Friday, June 24, 2011

Just when I thought it couldn't get any prettier...

Today was VERY rainy and also VERY cold. So we started off our day with a drive on the peninsula it was about an hour and a half and took us up the coast. We stopped at a few different places to take pictures. Some people even went down to the beach but, I was already wringing my flats out with water so I opted to stay in for that one. I am still just so amazed at how beautiful it is here. I know I just keep saying that but really I never knew that things could be so green.
After we went on the drive we stopped in a town for lunch and to hang out for a while. It was so cold so Cydnee and I ran into a pub to get out of the rain. We had some yummy potato and leak soup, perfect for the rain! Then we just hung out there for an hour or so chatting and drinking hot chocolate. While we were there, there were three little boys that were probably about 8 years old and they were just staring at us and giggling because we had accents. We kept hearing them say "They must be American" or "Look, look they are smiling at us". There cute little accents were cracking me up. One was even named Charlie and all I could think of was "Ouch Charlie!" Well I will post pictures on the next entry!!

1 comment:

  1. Well, today was VERY sunny, and also VERY HOT - So, I didn't bother to put on make-up because my mascara melts together when I blink, or put in my contacts, I can actually feel them melt onto my eyeballs, like when you open the oven. I am amazed at how desolate and dry it is here. I needed a drink so I went to the drive thru for a refreshing Diet Coke, and met the nicest lady with a Hispanic accent. Who says I need to leave home for a wonderful foreign experience? No, no, not me... For me, the grass is greener in my own backyard.
