so elementary education is thee best major of all time and it has the greatest classes ever (so i may be a little biased) but after i tell you my homework i am sure you'll agree. last nights homework consisted of reading two whole books! ahh sounds scary right? nope! the books i needed to read were two picture books of my choice. so, i went to the library and found one that i thought looked really cute and then i went to kalyn's aunts and found another. i would highly recommend both books to anyone (especially someone with kids). they are "Cinder Edna" and "How are you peeling?".
Cinder Edna is a cute book about Cinderella's next door neighbor who has the same trials that Cinderella does but she handles them differently and works with a smile! It is such a cute story and could be used in anyones life to teach them how handling trials differently will present different outcomes, some good and some bad.
How are you peeling? talks about different feelings people can have and shows these feelings with different fruits and vegetables. It is an adorable way to show that everyone has different feelings and it is okay to have different moods!
My teacher is amazing! She is a little grandma and she has her doctorate and is very smart but she wants us to call her Miss Julie because she is still a preschool teacher! I love her!! I am so glad I chose this major! Happy day :)
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