you keep me so warm. but you're so small so you fit perfectly in my purse when I don't need you. you come in so many cute colors. you make it so I can walk around campus without keeping my hands glued in my pockets the entire time. gloves, I love you.
pilates video.
you are way way way better than running, yet after I still get a fantastic workout. I still can't laugh or my abs hurt but that's the way I like it. you have very cheesy women in yoga pants telling me when in inhale and when to exhale...but, i still love you.
fake nails.
yes, when I went to get you done I caused a mini scene at the nail salon...trying to put on my own gel: bad idea. but, you look great after victor redid you. you're great at scratching backs and look fantastic on. it will be a sad day when you fall off.
water in cute bottles.
i didn't used to be very good at drinking you. but since its a new year i decided to get better. but, its no fun drinking out of plain old dasani bottles. so, i invested in a three dollar wal mart bottle. oh how much difference that makes. i've already had three bottles of it today.
green coat.
one of my favorite colors. you look great with every outfit...almost. you are so warm. oh i just love you green coat.
who knew i would love you this much? i try to rotate what shoes to wear but i can't bring myself to wear any others when i remember how warm my little toes are in you. you are so soft and so comfy. how did i go without you.