Tuesday, February 2, 2010

look a likes.

so i found this little picture and this week i've been told 4 times i sound like and look like lindsey lohan so...here she is. any resemblance??

-please ignore the braces and fat face of seventh grade. i think i was like 4'10" here.-


  1. Oh Kelsey...Sunrise sunset...our cute little girl...off to college...We're so glad you didn't turn out like your Hollywood look-a-like!! We miss you!

  2. I have always thought that for as long as I have known you. Lol luv ya Kelsey!

  3. oh my goodness! 7th grade?! How funny....takes me back to the orchestra concerts. :O Dang, I'm.......you're getting old! :) oxoxoxoxxo Noah's mom
