
I just got back from a seven day cruise in the Caribbean with my family! Yes, I took off a week of school for this. Who says you can't make your own spring break?! We stopped in the Bahamas, St. Thomas, and St. Maarten. The above pictures are on our first day on the ship, lounging around in our room and golfing on the mini golf course in the middle of the ocean. We had two big windows which was way fun because we could see the big waves and sit and watch the ocean for dolphins haha. I wish I had more pictures to post of the cruise but only a few worked when my dad sent me the 400 he took. He is quite the photographer nowadays. There were a lot of "DAD! Enough pictures" being said but I am glad now that he's taken them all. And I think we have all recovered from the embarrassing photos taken by the photographers on the cruise. One imparticular being the one where we were forced to pile on top of each other...it will most likely be seen on awkward family photos.
I am still nannying for the same people and I LOVE it. This is us before we headed out to a fun lunch at McDonald's. It was a great time. Although we had one mishap when A would not come down the giant, twirly, dark slide. With a bunch of parents looking on I scaled the slide from bottom to top, put her on my lap and sliddown.

This little cutie, Rachelle, and I took a quick drive up the canyon last week during our lunch break. We jammed to girly music and chatted about life. We made it up to sundance for a delicious sucker and it was a nice treat that there was a little snow coming down. Even though I am usually not a fan of snow it was so pretty and looked like a winter wonderland. As you can see we are both lookin' way nice and loving life. I love that girl.

One last thing!!! My new job. I am now a dance teacher at Ruby Shoes Dance Studio in Provo. I teach 4-5 year old ballet and 7-8 year old ballet. I am also choreographing for a student one on one for our end of the year performance. We are doing the Wizard of Oz. I love this studio. The girls are adorable and so fun to work with. The performance is this May and I can't wait.
Well that is all for now. Hopefully I will update more often from now on :)
P.S. Look at this guy! It was his birthday March 15th, he turned 20. He has been out 8 months going on 9(ish) and he is loving life in El Salvador.